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Legal Disclaimer

Customer Care & Disclaimers

By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please exit this website and disregard the products, information, and services contained herein.​

Medical Information

Please note that product information presented on this website is intended only as a brief summary for the visitor's convenience in general relation to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) conditions and common terms used to describe symptoms. In no way is Kingdom TCM Inc. and its affiliates able to offer any medical diagnosis or any patient-specific treatment advice on this site alone. Not all products or indications are licensed and regulated in every country, province, state, or government. For specific product information, advice, and diagnosis, you should always consult your own qualified local practitioner or physician. 


While there may be information on this website related to certain medical conditions and their treatments, should a medical condition exist, promptly see your own physician or health provider. Only your TCM Practitioner or healthcare professional can determine if a product described on this website is appropriate for you.

Terms & Conditions

Our Terms & Conditions as well as Privacy Policy:

The "company", “we”, "our", and “us” means Kingdom TCM Inc. and all its affiliates. "Website" means any affiliated link to, or any web link accessed through any current or future platform or device (including without limitation any mobile website, mobile application, affiliate website or related website for accessing our website or services that may be developed from time to time). "Services" and "products" means any action, consumable items, internal applications, external applications, and portrayal of any other product or association sold or dispensed by Kingdom TCM Inc., or any of its affiliates.
“You” means the person placing an order, or accessing this Website.


By using the website to buy/order products online, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and are consenting to these terms and conditions. By placing an order through the Website, you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

We reserve the right to change these Website Terms and its Usage from time to time by changing them on this page. Since any part of the Website may contain errors or misrepresent the actual status of the product/company, the company will not be held liable by any information or misrepresentation on the Website. In the event of a conflict between a newer version of the Terms & Conditions, and an older version of the Terms & Conditions, the latest version shall prevail.

We reserve the right to change, cancel, terminate, or modify the order, of any services and products, delivery methods, and fulfillment methods given through this Website or through other forms of communication at any time, with adequate notice to the client and by presenting alternative options. By continuing to purchase the products, and by using this Website, you agree to these terms.

Any information that is gathered from your input on the website, or from automatic tracking by the website, is and will be used to provide better service and record keeping by us, it will not be used for marketing or solicited to unaffiliated parties. Although this website is maintained by a reputable web hosting company, if any unauthorized breach in this website's security was to occur and result in the leaking and use of said personal information, including information that may be used to identify you, you agree to absolve the website, Kingdom TCM Inc. and all its affiliates of any consequence.
By using any service, function, or viewing of our website, you agree and consent to this policy.


If any part of these Terms & Conditions for buying products online is found to be invalid by law, the rest of them will remain valid and enforceable.


This website and all the content contained within is protected by copyright and is exclusively kept for Kingdom TCM Inc. No portion of it may be used without expressed written permission from Kingdom TCM Inc. You must not misuse the Website (including by hacking, taking screen shots), modify its contents, use any pictures, photographs or any other graphics, video or audio sequences from the Website. Any unregistered product or unprivileged use of the website descriptions, terms and names, web pictures, graphics, videos, audio, or content may result in litigation.

Product and Name Representation:

Although the Website keeps the majority of its product photos unaltered and original; colour or description misrepresentation, photographic inaccuracies, and product differences may occur. Unintended alteration of product colour on the Website may be due to electronic display differences, or perceptual differences. The Website reserves the right to alter the presentation of their photos or names whether in an intended or unintended manner. Product representation by weight (lb, kg, gm) is used as an online tool of measure for the actual physical product of reference, inaccuracies of measure may occur. By using our Website, you agree to accept these conditions, and to hold harmless Kingdom TCM Inc, its employees, and their respective affiliates from any liability.


We will under no circumstance, be liable to you or to your related parties whether in product, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if forseeable, arising under or in connection with the services, descriptions, and products of the Website (including the use, inability to use or the results of use of the services and products of the Website).

We are in no way held liable to any loss or corruption of data, information or software; loss of business opportunity; loss of anticipated savings; loss of goodwill; loss of personal assets; bodily and mental harm; death; or any indirect or consequential loss.

You assume full and sole responsibility for any additional or associated costs that you may incur in connection with or as a result of your use of the Website, including without limitation costs relating to the services, products, repair or adaptation of any equipment, software or data that you may own, lease, license or otherwise use.

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Kingdom TCM Inc, its licensors and their respective affiliates, and each of their directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners, representatives and employees, from and against any loss, liability, threatened or actual claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with your breach of these Website Terms & Conditions or your violation of any law or the rights of any third party with respect to the Website or the services and products from the Website. We reserve the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you hereunder, and you shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required by Kingdom TCM Inc. and or its affiliates.

Reservation of rights: Any rights not expressly granted in these Website Terms are reserved.
By accessing any part of the Website, you indicate that you accept these Terms & Conditions, the Privacy Policy, as well as the Return Policy. If you do not accept any of the above, you should leave the Website immediately, and you will not be able to order any products through the Website.

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments (In person)

Updated: January 19, 2024

Payment Methods
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